My new Faction / empire. A species of Replicator-inspired machine lifeforms determined to self replicate, evolve and adapt. Credit to AE for the word writer which I had used to type the text. Please enjoy.
Released the Phorcys class Corvette today.
Current ship tests are almost done. Should hopefully be releasing the first of the new ships within the next week, assuming I don't forget.
@Empire_of_etho there aren't any abandoned ships within Dheketh controlled territory, though, and if there were, it wouldn't be there for long. We repurpose or reuse any shipwrecks we find and we alternatively recycle their materials.
Empire_of_etho: to fix because that's how I make most of my money then I sell some of the fixed ships
Denderth: I'm literally just looking for abandoned ships
@Tamsih But of course.
@Empire_of_etho Trespassing into our territory may not be a good idea, depending on what you intend to do within it.
do you allow us to send a transporter whit the necesary protective ships(protection ships due to the posibility of pirates,you trying to steal the things we offer you,and knarocks curent political situation)
to the dheketh,i would like toengage in trading,we have a number of thingsthat mightinterest you,and you have somethig that interests us aand that you kann sell while still keeping it.
and scouting team 1-Z