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27th Apr 2022
17th Oct 2023
My new Faction / empire. A species of Replicator-inspired machine lifeforms determined to self replicate, evolve and adapt. Credit to AE for the word writer which I had used to type the text. Please enjoy.
faction replicators dheketh empire species


  • Etho
    9th May 2022
    Denderth: ===sending fleet 746463-1A
  • Denderth
    8th May 2022
    @Empire_of_etho Hmm.
  • Etho
    4th May 2022
    //UNKNOWN LIFEFORMS FOUND\\ scanning---------------// do they like tradeing? HMMMMMMMM---- maybe? #Transmission cuts out#
  • Denderth
    3rd May 2022
    I've been working on some ships, which are hopefully going to be rather interesting and I'm rather excited about potentially finishing the initial three or four.
  • 7shotsolo
    2nd May 2022
    huh, it seems that we are similar, but the difference is that I prioritize destruction and long-term settlement over short-term expansion.
  • Denderth
    1st May 2022
    @ae What it basically means is that unless someone does something like attack the Dheketh or provoke them in some way, they will remain neutral towards that faction. However, if provoked, the opposing faction will find their vessels infested with Dheketh and repurposed to invade the opposing faction's homeworld or controlled systems.
  • ae
    30th Apr 2022
    doesnt seem very neutral if their main goal is to rapidly expand
  • Tamsih
    30th Apr 2022
    knarock produces sometingwe designate as:refined neutronium, fromm very large amounts of mater. it cann be any mater,so why waste hig cost materals if simple rock is enought?
  • Denderth
    30th Apr 2022
    @Tamsih, we may be able to provide a list. The Galaxy 485G7B might have a certain quantity of it in systems that orbit neutron stars.
  • Tamsih
    30th Apr 2022
    welli know some uses for completely harvested worlds. for instance they cann be used to make neutronium whitout wasting the materials. if the ohnored dheketh would provide a list of harvested galaxys knarock would greatly apreciate it.