16 / 3
27th Apr 2022
17th Oct 2023
My new Faction / empire. A species of Replicator-inspired machine lifeforms determined to self replicate, evolve and adapt. Credit to AE for the word writer which I had used to type the text. Please enjoy.
faction replicators dheketh empire species


  • Denderth
    18th Jun 2022
    @7shotsolo Could be allies, though in regards to nanotech, we've managed to achieve that and are currently working on some complex, organic-inspired structures.
  • Denderth
    18th Jun 2022
    @Tamsih In essence, a lot of organic lifeforms tend to utilise facial expressions and muscles as part of communication. In essence, The Dheketh have managed to improve their communication in this regard.
  • 7shotsolo
    9th Jun 2022
    Could I ally with you Denderth, I will offer nanotech to enhance your weapons, and your people
  • Tamsih
    9th Jun 2022
    knarock isn't really enemy with any player faction. also,you could just use neuroimplants to communicate with biological beings. most higer advanced species use them anyways,and it would be easy to program a translator for the communication.
  • 7shotsolo
    9th Jun 2022
    I'm not an enemy ofc
  • Tmbts
    9th Jun 2022
    someone could harness this
  • Denderth
    9th Jun 2022
    Anyway, our Dheketh social interaction platforms are almost complete, which should make communication with organic species easier because we'll be able to better communicate with the addition of small functions like mimicry of facial muscles and such.
  • Denderth
    9th Jun 2022
    We're currently a little bit uncertain about which factions are enemies with which at the moment.
  • Denderth
    31st May 2022
    @Tamsih Interesting.
  • Tamsih
    31st May 2022
    I think I would have something that interests you. knarocks infrastructure has stabilised enough to allow us to continue our construction of So called sistem gates, wich allow non ftl ships to traverse interstellar distances in mere minutes.