I made this nearly 10 years ago, and it hasn't improved with age. There are many bugs in this, which I have no intention of fixing: I'm working on a complete redesign with some less naive tech. Who knows, maybe someone will fix it.
thepowderkeg: Your using it wrong Because it works fine with everyone else* Haha I corrected your grammar
very fun +1
@proJM, that's deliberate. Part of the challenge is that your rate of fire is limited, there's basically no output lag but a pixel of WATR limits how often you can fire.
Nice tho its looks like a 60 fps mode movements
Very good, cool and well made but there is a huge about of inpt lag > 4 seconds
Sir_YCY: your using it wrong then because it works just fine for everyone else
This does not work -1
for a 10 year save, its very good. +1
Spoliers: THe game doesn't know if you won, and it also doesn't handle cases where the bottom row is gone properly... this seems hard to fix with this implementation ,so it probably never will be fixed.