save+dms will be done later
you have begun reaserch into animal camoflague, you are selectivly breeding plants and animals to make comosite ecosystem farms
MrPineapple: you are implementing taxes, and are poisoning the bolts, you are expanding along the shore, and are sending boats to explore&expand on the other side, you are studying dead bodies to learn about them, and have begun making spongy filters from certain plants, for both air and water, you are teaching the young in schools
Law: you are using low-ranking warriors to clean the nation of crime
Taxes: you have implemented taxes based on saved money, which will decrease if said individual passes checks for criminal activety and work ethics
EconomyL you are attempting to jumpstart the economy by injecting moderate amounts of funds, and are making companies goverment owned
Animals: you are breeding your moss wolves to be larger, faster, and stronger, you are looking for more species to domesticate
Mining: enhabited mountains are also being mined specifically for resources
Farms: you have begun making tierd farms with mushrooms underground and animal ect above, increasing jobs at the same time