credit to superbantom for map and ui, currently accepting new players, starting tech is iron age, to join:coordinates, color, and name, discord:
Economy: you have created government-run banks
Military: you have begun upgrading the nearby outposts into barracks, and begun building a wall nearby the cities, the outposts are to far apart to reasonably build a wall, pallisades are being build around cities, military wages (especially scout) are being increased, and you are increasing the production of the light leather armor, new cities now must have water and food stores, and you are continuing reaserch into metals
LightningBMW: Interaction: you have sent scouts and linguists to the other nation (dms later)
Canada_Ball: you have started to implement taxes, you have implemented recruitment with possible conscription, and begun expanding southward and you have begun making fire arrows
Research animals and how they blend in with their surroundings, and mimic them.Selectively breed plants and animals and make little trenches and use the dirt dig from them to make mounds where we plant the plants. Fill the trenches with water and fish and create an ecosystem for extremely fertile soil.
Implement taxes, and use poison on our arrows. Expand along the sear and send boats to the other side. Implement trade routes on each side. Study dead bodies to learn about how the body works, for better medicinal practices. Make sort of filters for water and air in our mines and the surface. Teach the young in chools so we can advance our knowledge further.
Law: Start creating a lawforce that is mainly low ranking warriors to clean the nation of crime.
Taxes: I hate taxes but I need economy, every member of our nation will be taxed for how much they have currently and the tax will be decreased if there are no reported criminal activity and good work ethic.
Economy: Try to jumpstart the economy by injecting 5000 GD in our economy (They gain their money from workplaces at the end of the month, the more dangerous the job the better pay. Also no private companies, everything is goverment owned)
Animals: Selectivyl breed our moss wolves to be larger, faster and stronger. Also look for other species to domesticate.