credit to superbantom for map and ui, currently accepting new players, starting tech is iron age, to join:coordinates, color, and name, discord:
Mining: Start mining inside the mountains we currently reside in to make more room and gather resources.
Farms: Start opening huge farms where we grow moss and shrooms underground and animal farms outside, this should open new job positions.
Research: Start researching how to make light but effective armor along with camo. Try to come up with a modifications to our mouths so we can spit more accuratly.
Military: Start dividing warriors into groups of 50 and start training another 500 warriors.
Jobs: After the 7 years of schooling is over the members of our species go in a test to test their strenght, intellect and such to fit them into assinged positions like farmers, hunters, warriors, teachers and scientists +more if i forget (This order implies I request a passive income of warriors who are good at their job to join the army, the rate of which this happens may be slow but steady.)
Education: Decrease the teaching from 15 years to 7 years, 2 years parental teaching and 5 years of mandotory general teaching +5 years of extra schooling for those who need it, also start researching maths and object trajectory.
Exploration&Expansion: Continue expanding our terratory and start building underground tunnels for transport, storage and living purposes.
We do not chirp at methane
Connor dont get any ideas
Exploration&Expansion:Begin selectively breeding our horse to be faster or stronger to carry more supplies so we can expand and set up new cities faster. also auto expand each turn