credit to superbantom for map and ui, currently accepting new players, starting tech is iron age, to join:coordinates, color, and name, discord:
wow this a lot of orders
Arcitechture: you have begun making cement for mortar by baking shells in furnaces, and have been using this to strengthen the few stone walls, previously dry-stack or pinned with wooden rods in holes, triange beams and struts are being used, and, although slightly less convinent for space and building with, they are far stronger
Agriculture: you have begun fertilizing your fields with fermented dung and plant matter to increase yield
Medicine: you have begun expirementing with herbs on sick animals, and recording the results on wooden slats, this has produced many sucessful compounds and cures, but a few failed or toxic ones when applied to humans
Clothing: you have begun tanning the animal hides into cured leather armor, using mixtures of lime, tannin from oak bark, and dung
the caves are quite inacessable and dangerous though
connorhatescorn: Explosives: your people have continued expierementing, and have discovered some small deposits of niter in nearby caves, and found that it increased the rate of explosion by decreasing the necessity of making a fuel-air mixture
Orders are Closed and will be updated over my lunch break
Government: Create a test for intelligence (like an IQ test) and appoint the highest 30 adults as the government, with the power to oversee the production and distribution of money and taxes
Exploration: Send armored scouts towards the nearby civilisation to investigate their technology and power. Push for western expansion to build on more stable land in the centre of the island.