Medicine:begin testing different mixes of different wild herbs processed different ways (ie. crushed, burned, mixed with water, etc) on live animals to find medicine for specific diseases, and to make sure we dont forget the ingredients and the refining process begin carving it down on wooden tablets
Clothing:Begin using excess animal hides we have in storage to make clothing / rudimentary armour and to make the hides more durable use powdered lime (or calcium carbonate if you want the scientific name) and to make lime crush up stuff like seashells or other items
ok fine ill do somthing else like clothing
you can't just tell them how to make explosives
Connor you can't just directly influence your civilisation, you can only tell them to research something or explore something
Explosives:combine literal bat shit, charcoal and yellow rocks to make actual explosives instead pf molotovs
Hey I had a 4 day power outage, Im back
Explosives Reasearch: you have begun some reasearch into explosives and incenedaries, and, although they have been mostly fruitless, you have discovered some oil deposits, and made some moderatly effective incenedaries from oil, alchohol, and various additives, which is slightly sticky and burns for a long period