credit to superbantom for map and ui, currently accepting new players, starting tech is iron age, to join:coordinates, color, and name, discord:
MrPineapple: you have discovered some small gold deposites, and are mining it and using it as backing for goverment issued currency, you are sending colonists along the coast, and have begun adding clay plumbing to all new constructions, you are building aqueducts and landing boats for larger ships
Military reasech: you already have small amounts of iron, and have begun casting it into better equipment, and you have begun work on a repeating crossbow, although it is gravity fed
connorhatescorn: Expansion: you are giving more money to the adventurers guild, exploring the FLA, and are sending reacserchers to examine the fauna to improve farming in the area
Expansion: you are continuing construction
Economy: you are using the cromium iron as currency, and are using war bonds and bank investing to increase capital for defense
LightningBMW: Military: you have not found any explosive plants, but the hunters from the far north talk about bubbles of explosive gas in the ice, gas you can capture in sealed leather and use to fuel lamps, you have found that the poiosn extracted from certain urchins can be easily distilled, dms
Orders are Closed!
ay stop copying
Put these walls and moats around cities, especially ones most vulnerable to the raiders.
their fighting effectivness. Use already irrant herbs and refine them for the first version.