The second ever dark matter reactor built in DMRF Dark Matter Research Facility. to turn on the reactor activate gravitational lasers,all the power lasers,turn off pressure vent. to stop it just do the opposite. (it takes a while to start heating)
how does the gravitational lassor not over heat, i am trying to make my own inturpretation of the DMR but the gravitational lassor just overheats the DMR.
A friendly reminder that YOU ARE NOT A HOTPOCKET!!! The DMR is a giant microwave, but you should still not do it. Unless you are a hotpocket, then please do it in the breakroom at 3:00 AM, nightshift, or 11:00 AM dayshift.
page 2 reactor maps are way cooler than page 1
me and the boys overheating the reactor
hey sorry its me again. i figured out the problem i had before. it was due to me having newtonian gravity on. would there be a way to make it so lazers wont bounce off core whe newtonian is on. quite a few really destructive reactions NEED newtonian gravity on, Thanks!
@stepan234 it takes time for the core to build up pressure so the deuterium can react. now it is mentioned in the description
why the core wont heat?
@powderboi9000 i think you should get glasses
they are still bouncing off
@jonaHungary great!