Brandon8ball: Saying the same thing over and over again and spamming tags is not a joke.
SamDwich: bruh, first you get mad at me for making a longer cow, next you get mad at OrthogonalCaster for making a joke.
Your feeling is off. There is no definition of "ha" or "ha ha". You are laughing at a pre-defined connotation that has no logical explanation. Why are you assuming it is a "ha" and not a "ha ha"? I'm pretty sure you are not laughing because of the content. That's just weird. Try being an actual person. Try doing this: "My jokes don't make sense and are bad." At least then it would be funny.
OrthogonalCaster: I feel that you are the one who tagged my Antfrozlanan treaty save with 'morbius'. In that case, you are not funny at all. Try making an actual joke.
"There are worse fates then death" - I agree. Not watching Morbius is one of them.