i up voted, so stop complaining
bro its my point of view, if you are not okay with that just ignore it
Added in a bomb firing attachment for the rifle. In order to use it, you need to copy paste the attachment over the rifle. Use the barrel as a guide by aligning the attachment barrel with the standard barrel. Provided are also some BOMB cartridge magazines that have been set up to work with the attachment.
@batterymaker In essence, L.C Magazines and their receivers are viable for a variety of weapons if you experiment with it a bit and tinker with the design. With just a few small modifications, I've found, the guns I've used in this save can actually fire BOMB, provided you've made some cartridge CRAY adjustments and lined the interior of the barrel with VIBR and have a deletion mechanism for any potential residual BOMB caught in the barrel.
@Floofy I'll do my best to make those adjustments. One thing I recommend, though, is using CTRL - Left click to SPRK the trigger as it consistently allows you to get shots off without having to worry about the guns breaking.
In regards to a plasma rifle using Noble gas, you could probably make it work, assuming we're talking Powder Toy stuff. I usually use CRAY emitters for producing plasma, or CRAY emitters that use superheated DESL to allow it to combust into PLSM.
@SwiftJrod if I recall correctly, the Girardoni rifle was originally used by the Austrian army, but it eventually fell out of favour because, due to the manufacturing methods of the time, they had difficulty producing the detachable reservoirs, and there was the small issue of only being able to get about thirty shots off before needing to refill the reservoir with a hand pump, though at the time, it had to be about 200 pumps to fill a full reservoir, I think.
actually, no, the fastest you can do is 11 temperature, not 15.
you can change the Delay on the trigger of the pistol from 10 to 15 so it won't break