A demo for my Z-RAM that I will be using in my next computer.
specify how you'd like to "connect it". give me an example, then I could explain to you how that can be done.
SUSaNOO: I get how to make storage with ctype and how tmp works, but still don't get how to connect it to electronics
that's about it in a nutshell... any questions are welcome!
Then the output can be converted to individual SPRK bits by performing an and operation with every individual bit of the spectra. these SPRK outputs can either be used as instructions for other circuits or as input for a circuit that requires SPRK input.
FILT modes can be set using tmp, these modes can perform bitwise operations on the bits set by ctype on the FILT particles. by chaining these operations one can create circuits using logic.
how does the filt work with electronics?