Its quite compact. It captures neutrons generated by fusion to turn them into photons, and into power. also turns the heat of the fusion (which was a pain to make self sustaining) into power via heating VIBR. It is really efficient
also water pipes made from glass breaks at place where water recharger and red button must be placed
cringe explanation of what i said 2939175
i mean use lasers to activate deuterium to make it emit neutrons that go to glass chamber turn into photon after into bizare solid preheated with tung wires and after turn into electrons to make it create overheated hydrogen also high life deut is good as fusion fuel
if you use glow photon emitters, why dont you just attach a solar panel? its basically free energy
i already have hydrogen generator and also this reactor can be much more compact if glow photon emiters will create neutrons and electrons and after ignite deuterium and after deuterium turns into neutrons that turns into overheated hydrogen with electrons
also the shield issue was caused by the shd4 warping thru sparking nscn so i added some insulation alround it, thanks for pointing it out
90.30% of the energy is lost because only 1 of the 4 reaction products are used to gain heat energy. btw using a VAC system would be ~50% efficient. I have a document showing my methods if you want it.
hm i run this thing for hours and hours and hours with 2 fps cap and i never had problem with shld blocking the glow, i will replace the PTNM to GOLD near glow pipes just to make sure then.
Efficiency: 4.45% or 458/10301.765
Results: 45.82% efficient at extracting 9.70% of the total heat generated.