k cool, now run an atari game on it :trol:
@RaconTPT, Okay. But what about in reference to this computer? The FTC-Sigma is the fastest, but what would the runtime be like for, say, 1,000 generations of a simple BRAN simulation be like? How quickly could it manage to spit out information to the monitor to tell it to update to a new image when running a GOL sim?
In theory upu can make a 60hz subframe GOL but that is without a general perpous computer.
@SUSaNOO, Oh wow! I made a blunder in my words... I meant, I wonder what the refresh rate in a program running real-time GOL simulations would look like. The 60hz monitor could run... at 60hz... but the program could theoretically still only be able to render at a refresh rate of, say, 1hz or less.
R33sesK1ng: It's subframe, thus the monitor is 60hz.
@justplaying, Yeah! That's what I was thinking, because from what I've seen about computers like LBP's R12, it doesn't seem like runtime is necessarily the issue. It looks like it needs the power to actually make it render and stuff. I wonder what the Hz this monitor is, actually.
Cool, but how does it get input for running games?