gravity chamber that, without the ehole, perfectly simulates electromagnetic stasis, and with ehole, does... stuff. watch bcol in pressure display for some crazy activity. press 3 to see how tpt's gravity simulation is "tilted," which makes me mad.
also i forgot to see what happens without ehole
PowderedPotato: correct, however, HOW DOES IT GRAB THE SECOND SIGN FROM THE TOP LIKE THAT?????????????????????????????
progamer: place pscn, spark it, press f twice, place ttan, press f three times, place nscn, press f three times, place ttan.
If you go frame-by-frame, you can see text near the top wall in fancy display
how do you even get the spark to oscillate like that, if you press ctrl and = it will remove the sparks and i cannot get them to oscillate like that, i don't know how you got the sparks to rotate like that, ive tried some stuff with pscn and nscn and titanium and it doesn't work
very cool for some pixel game
add GRAV it's cool +1
BunkerStrikerUA: There is, as far as I can see, no subframe in this save. It's powered by oscillating sparks if you look closely.
bro how is sub-frame actions affect gravity in more than a frame
I know, it's not the gpmp because they're all perfectly in sync; it's just how the gravity sim works