Basically a challenge / research project to make interesting Lith Tech / Lithium Technology. Rules are in the save, post save IDs in the comments and enjoy. Remember, NO LITH BATTERY SAVES. Use of Lithtech tag optional.
To do subtraction, I usually utilise a rapid moving piston (Usually a simply circuit where the PSCN connects to the NSCN via METL), which should move fast enough to consistently discharge the cell by 1 (The piston has a bit of NSCN on the end of it, of course, to accomplish this)
In essence, the basic idea of the calculator is that you use Lithium ctypes to add numbers. For example, if you had a lithium cell / container with a ctype of 5 and a lithium cell with a ctype of 6, you need a mechanism that allows for both containers to dump their charge into a third container, which effectively adds them together to make a ctype of 11.
id:2856115 is the very first version of my Lithium calculator. It only does addition and doesn't have the overload-proof lithium cells that the later versions have. It's a decent-ish starting point.
Denderth: Oki! how do lith calculators or any calculators work?
@Waterbottle123 Depends on what kind of computer. I'm still trying to figure out computer designs to a certain extent, but in terms of Lithtech analog computers, I can probably help to some extent with that.
denderth can you teach me how to make a computer... I'm not fully sure the line between a computer and a random piece of tech
Emperor_of_Catkind: cattttttt!!!
oof, misread the rules
So... I did it a long time ago but I think id:2750921 would be great
You can charge lith with its own charge id:2907160