A subframe-accelerated and LITH-based calculator. Enter two numbers into slots 1 and 2, and then choose an operation. By setting "ctype" manually you can use larger numbers. Uses displays from id:2702458 and id:1663183
@OrthogonalCaster id:3036064
@Jerehmia Isn't there no way to serialize ctype? If you would construct a demonstration of what you're describing I would be very grateful, I'm still a beginner in ways of FILT and all related things.
@OrthogonalCaster Serialization information is ctype too, so you can normalize the ctype data to serialization format (by or'ing 0x10000000) deserialize it with an LSNS and read out the value with a {life} sign.
*the specific offset right now is 191, which will display LITH instead of the number. Anything higher than that will display as a number, as it's not a defined element ID. If you have mods that add more elements, more IDs will be allocated, and this range will be different for you.
So the situation is like this. You can't reliably display the "ctype" value as a number, because for values that are lower than around 200 it will display an element instead, and therefore a proper numerical display is necessary. But just so you don't have to always wait for the display to get incremented to the entire value, I've added a duplicate sign-based display.
423 * 132 got stuck forever. (+1)
very pretty display +1
I would suggest improving the number display. kinda hard for me to see what numbers they are but other than that really good.
What did you have troubles with exactly? Glad you figured things out, but ya know how user interfaces are, they can always be improved
your instructions are unclear but i managed to work out how it works. its very neat though :D