A subframe-accelerated and LITH-based calculator. Enter two numbers into slots 1 and 2, and then choose an operation. By setting "ctype" manually you can use larger numbers. Uses displays from id:2702458 and id:1663183
OrthogonalCaster: oh alrighty, sorry my bad SUSaNOO: Thank you! My English is relatively bad, sorry
I would be :)
welp im not gonna be suprised if lith computer comes +1
@Fish_bread: I'm very glad my creation was of help! Try 2+1 or 1+2 next time, both have equal results - exciting!
this helped me solve 1+1
micque: That's called floating point.
The current divider design does not support divisions like x / y when x < y. I might do some kinda redesign in the future, but we'll see.
only real thing I recommend is adding an indicator when there is a number behind a dot (not sure what they're called in English) for example, 1/2=0.5, but it answers 1, so maybe some LCRY or something else might light up? (sorry if this is to complicated or just not worth the effort)
this is so good! +1!
On more advantage of the LITH per digit implemention is that you can use 9's complement or 10s complement representation for negative numbers. This makes implementing subtraction a whole lot easier: if you use 10's complement subtraction is just a + -b, if you use 9's complement it's -(-a + b).