4 / 1
18th Oct 2023
12th September
Work in progress, should have all features of the original version when complete.
deut controlable destroyable nuclear modrequired


  • Vinnycat
    14th September
    @Stevealu008 I fixed the fragileness problem, just have 2 pcln folowed imeaditly after with 2 pixels of bizzare now it can be turned on and off with only a small reduction in wields, but at least it can be turned off, and back on and still work.
  • Stevealu008
    14th September
    Vinnycat: oh okay tbh it is kinda badly made probably as it is not well known also turns out it is a feature according to wiki
  • Vinnycat
    14th September
    @Stevealu008 I have taken your concept and improved it., it actually works quite well, if a bit fragile.
  • Stevealu008
    14th September
    Vinnycat: it is faster than expected but also makes alot of deut at the same time soo yeah pretty good if you don't mind portals but I might be able to make it better if I have a faster infinite electron source as portal doesn't seem to be needed even for an output soo I will update the laser based deut duplicator in the previously sent save
  • Vinnycat
    13th September
    @Stevealu008 Basicly I am stacking both behaviers to increase weild efficntcy, and shrink it down a lot, the current design I have with a few tweaks should be able to go smaller and depending on size and fuel consumption should be able to run a small reactor like Compact Reactor 2, as is, tho I would like you thoughts on it.
  • Vinnycat
    13th September
    @Stevealu008 that being said I have figured out how to dupe deut simply and with decent weilds, id:3150676 hits deut with eletrons and runs the duet back throuh a portal in one container it seems to cause a bug resulting in the deut specificly muliplying without electrons, it must have somthing to deal with life values or somthing but at the time it was unwanted so I desined it out of the fuel system(it wreaked my fuel control).
  • Vinnycat
    13th September
    @Stevealu008 I found a few saves that claimed to dupe water, but I was not impressed by the results, and my computer at the time was to slow to run it in reasonable time frame long before i had an account, and I don't know if it would work 4 versions later.
  • Stevealu008
    13th September
    Vinnycat: there might be a way to dupe glow but I don't know
  • Stevealu008
    13th September
    Vinnycat: wait how do you dupe water though
  • Vinnycat
    13th September
    @Stevealu008 If the water was combined with glow, or used to make glow then it would be esay to make duet, but some cloners would be needed for the raw matierals, tho apperently you can duplicate water as well.