a gigantic supercomputer wiht habs for pops . it is curetly bieng made around a red dwarf and is a multi trilonaire project cost . sadly the empire dosent yet ave a big enof militairy forse do defend it making it prone to pirate attacks
once its done it could run 10 mineraft mods and the game+ 2000+ ksp mods and the game+doom+eco so yes
Can it run doom?
i am curently worcking on a new project and this time i am gonna try to make as much detail as possible but its gonna take a wile so dont expect new uploads for a bit ava a good day .oh and happy hallowen in advance:).
tnx . btw what do you say except A-empire can help...:)?
A-empire can help... :)
thx .i dont think its arealistic sise but its a game so its not realy important
5,985 cubic kilometers. Cool!