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26th Nov 2023
7th March
Arbolio is a habitable planet around Helion 2.1ly away with an ozone atmosphere.Lead the first colonies away from Old Sol,engage in planetary warfare,and compete with other nations to gain full control of this distant world. (Max players:9)


  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th February
    @Beamngdriver - so you are Clear you want to use Nukes?
  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th February
    And the building of 100 battleships in the destroyed or taken over ports?
  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th February
    Ok but what about the ships and planes (which you sead thay had none of)
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    12th February
    aCreativeAndroid:Both Rubidian and Beam have built nukes (if I'm remembering correctly)
  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th February
    I will wait for the hosts reply to this.
  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th February
    Ah yes the lets build 100 battleships while all our ports are in runs from heavy bombardment or captured plan... And 100 battleships take a lot of Time.2) you dont have any air units3) YOU DONT HAVE ANY AIR UNITS.4) Magics armor and wepions into existence.5) Ah yes because when you have nobody to buy ships from you can just spend cash for them... Right.6) Do you even have nukes.7) If you do do you realllly want to start using WMDs
  • aCreativeAndroid
    12th February
    You dont have any fighters... I think
  • Rubidianlabs
    12th February
    You plan to build a fleet how? your ports are all blockaded and/or in ruin from bombardment. also do you even have nukes
  • Beamngdriver
    12th February
    The laser we will be using is at id:3080506
  • Beamngdriver
    12th February
    We need to deploy as much battle ships and airplanes as we can, we will spend all the money or whatever needed to deploy the max amount. We will try to claim more nautical territory, then after that we will send the large amount of ships and planes to the messan island for battle. the planes will come in from the east, and the battle ships will come from hiding from the west side of the messan island.