Arbolio is a habitable planet around Helion 2.1ly away with an ozone atmosphere.Lead the first colonies away from Old Sol,engage in planetary warfare,and compete with other nations to gain full control of this distant world. (Max players:9)
Push our solders up to attack and claim the outpost and buildings aroun 141,142. Supported by close fire support by P-1s Backed up by orbiral bombardment by H-1's , artiliry fire and armored vehicles + tanks.
We will bombard all ports and docks in beams lands heavily with artillery to join with the 2 fleets of ships destroying them and other targets.
Nice job, building a navy!
We will build a few level 3 battleships. We will equip them with laser cannons and upgrade them to have a strong metal hulls, that are hard to penetrate. We will also add rocket cannon RPGs so we can launch stuff at the other boats.
I published a building, its kinda (read: very) bad, comment more stuff for me to build. ID : 3080476.
Let's take over all the available land that is around us.
We will take land from x:187 y:187 to x:212 y:223
its stuck on homo floresiensis
and my avattar wont change
im not going to READ 20 MORE COMMENT PAGES