Big Jim
Jimus Racoonus starts farming corn and building underground huts out of straw,allowing them to settle down in one spot and form tribes.
also yes
other than lignum vitae
Lignum Vitae is SEMI-accurate... But still, can you still make an animal after making a plant?
none of the names are accurate
(feel free to change the name to arbor vitae if you want, and also if it's more accurate) Also, quick question; how many species can one user make? Like is it 1 any type or 1 plant 1 animal?
I am not getting my 2008 latin-english dictionary out of my old storage unit just to determine if the name's right or not.
rainy season
A taller varient of Yelowis Cornus with wider leaves has started growing in warm humid areas,forming jungles and marshes in the south.