Nationwide Ospia. Starts in 1400 A.D. and ends at 2100 A.D. Conquer the land and invent new things for you, and other nations to use. Create alliances, enemies, and wars. Ship trade routes, colonization, and more! *This is my first nationwide*
The Ingrians have created Papyrus in the year 1401 A.D. They plan to map the night sky with their papyrus.
Can I take X116 Y130 Name-Tagrosa Color-Blue
I hope you guys havent abanndonned the nation wide :(
Sorry guys, I got banned for 1.4 days on February 2nd.
we will study the mountains near us and the presence of metals in it. we will also study the fish in the nearest pond, and try to create a cheap recipe for papyrus from algae or trees. if we succeed, we will make a map of the stars and a map of the local area
I will start on x300 y161. name: Ingrians, color: violet.
Expand north and towards the coast.Use the newly claimed land for lumber and try to find any wildlife we can domesticate.Also, we'll start studying blacksmithing and domestication of wildlife.
I am waiting for others to join. And they have not.
Added year counter.
cuming soon lemme add it