if the unit has tmp 0 is a infantery if 1 a tank and 2 is navy, Good luck! allways credits to coffee
sorry i was buzy yesterday, im gonna update it
First I'll expand south into China and begin researching metallurgy.Next begin building mines and villages in our mountainous areas
I'll put my flag as red and gray split diagonally,with a sword in the center
I expand north-west and start building mines and fortifications
i expand and start building mines and fortifications
yes :)
btw, what genre is this nationwide? is this serious roleplay or Ohio style?
immediately after we are formed, we will build mines in the mountains and begin to colonize the islands that are located to the northeast and that island right below us
i want to start in taiwan with the name pumpkin and an orange flag with a green square on it
My nation will be called the Astra Militarium