Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Request to join in the comments. Discord access is highly recommended. Wide is hosted by Watboi1, with Rubidianlabs and Superbantom as cohosts.
Atria-cohosts: oh k
kit237: were not paranoid, it is against the rules to put discord links in save descriptions, and we dont want nonplayer spam in the server
Tptnoob1: the discord server cannot be found, it is private and accessible only via a link. the hosts are very paranoid, so they send the link only through PMS on the official TPT site (where you registred). in order to not be kicked out of the server, your discord nickname must match your TPT nickname or at least be in pronouns
Also how can I join discordOr just find it
Can I still join?
LightningBMW:That was me mb
if you are joining the discord from tpt, make sure the hosts know who you are first. someone joined the server without identifying themself, and because on discord it is difficult to know if people are actually someone you want there, they got kicked almost immediately. we think this was ThingamabobOverseer, but they blocked Watboi after he tried to confirm their identity, so try to minimise confusion please.
unity either your entire nation is yet to be updated (like half of all the people playing rn) or your population hasnt changed this cycle (quite likely for your species)
And also my population stats have not been updated yet.
I started a discord account,so now I won't have to send all my orders through comments.