14 / 6
1st April
11th August
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Request to join in the comments. Discord access is highly recommended. Wide is hosted by Watboi1, with Rubidianlabs and Superbantom as cohosts.
nationwide wide nation wargame getraidedbozo atria game fortn1te warcrimes


  • VoidLord002
    5th April
    what's your method?
  • Atria-cohosts
    5th April
    ThingamabobOverseer: Added. i would reccomend getting discord (unless you cant for some reason), it makes the hosts life easier.
  • Once we join I'll first begin researching dyes and using stones to draw our knowledge on.Next,begin expanding in both directions along the river,building farms as we go.Finally,send scouts north to see what resources we can find.
  • LightningBMW
    4th April
    yesyesy tf are you on about? this is completely different, there is nowhere on earth that has volcanic, sulfuric deserts, or an inland sea that joins up to the ocean through the south. not to mention the rivers that are larger than any on earth
  • VoidLord002
    4th April
    This thime, I am not joining
  • erictom333
    4th April
    Start expanding southwest and southeast. Recruit an army and build boats for fishing and trading.
  • I'd like to join as the Baharkan Republic (210,235),color reddish-orange.However I don't have discord acces either.
  • yesyesy
    3rd April
    looks suspiciously like the world map
  • LightningBMW
    3rd April
    boy i cant wait for the world to get broken
  • Atria-cohosts
    3rd April
    erictom333: added