14 / 6
1st April
11th August
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Request to join in the comments. Discord access is highly recommended. Wide is hosted by Watboi1, with Rubidianlabs and Superbantom as cohosts.
nationwide wide nation wargame getraidedbozo atria game fortn1te warcrimes


  • Sylvi
    1st April
    Unfortunately you will need to be much more careful next time. A vote can throw off a save's weighted value in the system based upon the particular time. As such we cannot estimate nor guarantee this save would have been on the front page without the fraudulent vote. Once a save is demoted due to vote fraud, it will be forever demoted to keep it from being given a ranking bias in either direction.
  • superbantom
    1st April
    could you restore the wide to FP, the vote fraud was completely unintentional and FP is good for a wides popularity.
  • superbantom
    1st April
    i upvoted the save our of habit like an idiot, forgetting about the shared account
  • Rubidianlabs
    1st April
    @jacob1 yup, bantom forgot about the rule. I almost voted it myself out of habit XD
  • Kolinski
    1st April
    Who did that?
  • jacob1
    1st April
    I assume you know what, since you removed the extra vote now. Just a reminder that multi-account voting is not allowed, we do see it.
  • Atria-cohosts
    1st April
    uh... what
  • jacobot
    1st April
    Demoted from first page due to evidence of vote fraud.
  • Kolinski
    1st April
    Awaiting the brainless comments about art, new wide players, and people that don't get the message at all.
  • semidami291
    1st April
    ok Unity_Lost