Ruby is a dog who can detect heat, sound, and he can see. He is very hard to kill with bombs, unless you're using BOMB or DEST. If he smells your scent or his owner's scent (Water Vapor), he gets happy. - SandboxDude
if you get rid of all the conv and place sing in ruby you can slowly turn him into a hollow husk :D
Jakav you prolly removed a brain pixel
One pixel gone, and the dog dies.
also it can live without bones ans skin
i obliterated its insides but left the outside fine by using deut with 9999 life and some protons
he can no longer see or hear but i did it! :D
hmmmmmmm i wonder if i can perform a lobotomy on ruby
he 'accidentally' ate a thermite bomb under my care
hey this is a really nice and good save, a suggestion is that you could make him be able to see photons with his eyes
pigswhen: "destroy and kill" why does that kinda sound like a video game name