13 / 1
28th June
2nd July
Now with plasma and salt separation. Still using fans for cooling cause I can't fully figure out how to cool stuff. UPDATE (July 1st): Swaped out the plasma clone and cooling for more "proper" methods.
water saltwater plasma heater vapor condense


  • wiktor1
    30th June
    Yoo its first on front page
  • Cr4ckHorse
    30th June
    Adding onto the "using as little clone as possible." I would like to revisit this at some point when I know the game a little more and: Replace the plasma clone with a (noble gas - plasma) column and the RFRG coolers for the condenser.
  • Cr4ckHorse
    30th June
    Yeah you can use a sponge, it separates the salt and the water. As for cooling, problem is that is the cooling is too cold, the water will just freeze in the condensation column. In relation to the nuclear idea, I wanna use as little cloning as I can so I wanna figure out how to properly use RFRG. I had a little go with it but I'm yet to get all the efficiency.
  • JNJNRobin1337
    29th June
    couldnt you use ln2 for cooling? (apparently sponge can be used to extract salt and filter out the water]
  • electrongydrogen
    29th June
    me who breaks bottom of glass and adds slide to where the salt goes so that i can get salty water again :D
  • Cr4ckHorse
    28th June
    Nuclear might be fun to figure out, biggest hurdle I need to handle is cooling. As for decorations and looks I could definitely try, but I am not the most artistic.
  • wiktor1
    28th June
    actually i just thought of something: make it compatiable with fire, plasma, nuclear, tnt and other explosives, lightning, thunder, and more
  • wiktor1
    28th June
    Idea for V3: make it look amazing or nuclear powered because theres legit nothing else to add other than those 2 things