please be spicific when discribing what you want and it should be done inless than a day
thunder cloud plz
i posted asking for a logo last year and never got one so i made it by myself
never mind cicicci, i made my own logo, but thanks if you tried.
by the way, cicicci, you can resave it or you can make a simulation with the finished logo and then i can copy it from there and put it on my sims.
when your done with it, could you please put it on one of my simulations called "my logo here", please and thank you.
can you make a skull made out of diamond and ave my name in an arc from left to right, please?
May I please have a white pac-man GHOST with my name under it?
make me a gun with my name under it
May I please have a logo? Just my username with a radioactive symbol next to it. Preferably Diamond. Thanks!
I want my name on a Salmon surrounded by lettuce.