please be spicific when discribing what you want and it should be done inless than a day
A rainbow photon shooting around my name pl0x?
where is mine it has been 3 weeks :(
May I please have a daimond and deco layer logo with my name and a construction site in the background? Thank you! =)
Two crossed scythes plz, wen u are done can u post on one of my dynamite creations, oh and my name under it
i want my name in a 1911 pistole please.
an albino rat with a superhero costume and the words superrat productions in red
a gold and red gladiator helmet
a heart with a knife in it and my name under it plz i vote when done
may i have a flaming skull put real fire if you want to
two crossed swords in lightblue,under that my name in lightgreen,plz