how to use:1 go stamp the APHE shell I made and mut it 1 away from the pistons in the barrel. 2 find the pscn on the pstns and activate it until it reaches the target. enjoy! Changes soon (making size accurate per day 1px=10mm mostly1:4.75 real size)
it was the first day and the last day I'll fix it
yes ik ill fix it later
the tank proportions are off
but it doesn't damage tho
it's actually functional with pstn and pscn
lol im actually on mobile lol
that is... a tank... maybe?, good effort tho, especially of you are a new comer
oh it's tmp value lol
also tpt won't allow me to get a piston that penatrates(forgot how to spell) more armor so it's stuck with very weak armor penatration
if it exist maybe 8 hours later XD