11th Oct 2024
12th Oct 2024
Honestly i dont know what to say anymore, just spark the middle core and see total annihlation.
In my defense, Advertising in other peoples saves is not allowed, and I wanted to bring attention to this fact by commenting on Gun_nerd's save. I am not in the wrong here, since he advertised.
i just did what i thought was right.
wait what? how was i harrasing him, he posted a advertisement on someone elses save.
Yeah i agree with egroman, and he used to harass this old tpt user. his name was Gun_nerd. Remember him egroman?
not to be rude, but how is this on FP?
i made v2
You have to only spark the middle one for it to work guys, chaotic as hell, +1
If you spray photons by it, it will freak out and is really weird
kinda just found out it makes a cool pattern
you need to SPARK the pscn in middle,