I guess the problem could be solved by replacing the front page with something like "sort by: most popular [period of time]" Verycreativedude, it's not because this whole wargame thing was started by Laminat (is that even what happened, I didn't pay attention enough to know) that he's the only one to blame. help_what_im_doing, freedom of speech has nothing to do with what Verycreative dude said, if anything, you're the one complaining about him responding to you.
I agree that help_what_im_doing wasn't very helpfull with his criticism. Although he did state what was he thought was wrong: the over abundance of wargame saves on the front page. And I agree with that. If people like it, then it probably deserves to be here. I personally don't like them taking up the front page.
the point is that you dont give constructive criticism and simply ignore the works in which a huge amount of effort was invested. such "criticism" is too kid-ish and annoying especially considering the quality of your saves. if you say what exactly is wrong for you then we will fix it because this is exactly what the comments section was made for
help_what_im_doing: well freedom of speech is exactly why your average score is -7.2
help_what_im_doing: what's better to do?, a dumb bomb ppl can make in 5 minutes?
i could care less about having stickmen in a bunker and i wont blame laminat because you guys praise it
and wargame is total bs takes up the whole fp room for acutally good and creative saves
verycreative dude i understand you dont like freedom of speech and expression, just say it
help_what_im_doing: Dude, tell us the reason why you hate wargame, blame Laminat, not us.
help_what_im_doing: okay they are