Commands for the chat: ADD [module name] at [coords]... DELETE [coords]... CREW [coords]... UNCREW [coords]... CHANGE [your idea or comment]
add a guy chilling around X;676 Y=182
kit236:Owannobie: calamity_ganon: will do all that after school (in like 9 hours)
ADD laser at X324, Y151
Add a MOdule with an air lock to the left with plants and water exerimets at arond X:314 Y:134
ADD [advanced solar panels (pscn-nscn alloy(pscn+nscn+phot=sprk))] at [x314 y164]
Natelolzzz: at the coords example:[X=32 Y=50]
Add an engine module
yall are supposed to read the desc and do that
RULES: you can use a command once in a row || nothing weird, like purple godzillas || dont delete or uncrew modules the save started with