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24th November
lore: You were in a colony ship, searching the universe for a rock to call home after Earth was destroyed from a dwarf planet collision, a earth-ish moon orbiting a gas giant in the habital zone was found after a lot of searching, just needs terraforming
pccs surface gasgiant moon


  • GigaCars
    27th November
    earth is gone, there is no goverment
  • ZeeQFar
    27th November
    GigaCars (your reply to me): uhuh sure thats what the governments want you to think so you dont know the real purpose of them asking you to terraform this land...
  • GigaCars
    27th November
    also guys, the terraformer uses a 12 hour battery so they can be replaced via shuttle/rover from the landing pad near the terraformer, or on foot from the research base, so if it's placed near a base or landing pad then it can be used there
  • GigaCars
    27th November
    thingamabob: i given you that research base, i'll do a RNG now and then every time a terraforming command is done to see if you had a success and gain bonus oxygen particles from the CO2 particle
  • Ions
    27th November
  • GigaCars
    27th November
    quite the contrary, the planet is just barely in the habital zone because the star is young, the CO2 is keeping it at a nice 91.2 F(not listed in save), also, i won't be able to do your requests tomorrow so put them in and don't overwhelm me please, 1 per person? perhaps?
  • Ions
    27th November
    I don't think we need more greenhouse gases, the planet's already room temperature
  • Ions
    27th November
    we desire the water, I petition to place a water pump at 100 338
  • GigaCars
    27th November
    do note that when you convert some CO2, it adds 3 pixels of OXYG, so it will thicken the atmosphere further, beware
  • GigaCars
    27th November
    "When one can play god, they must be wary of there actions" | TERRAFORMING UNLOCKED, YOU MAY BEGIN TO THICKEN AND CONVERT THE PLANETS ATMOSPHERE