lore: You were in a colony ship, searching the universe for a rock to call home after Earth was destroyed from a dwarf planet collision, a earth-ish moon orbiting a gas giant in the habital zone was found after a lot of searching, just needs terraforming
I don't think we need more greenhouse gases, the planet's already room temperature
we desire the water, I petition to place a water pump at 100 338
do note that when you convert some CO2, it adds 3 pixels of OXYG, so it will thicken the atmosphere further, beware
"When one can play god, they must be wary of there actions" | TERRAFORMING UNLOCKED, YOU MAY BEGIN TO THICKEN AND CONVERT THE PLANETS ATMOSPHERE
there actually IS power sources, however due to the game being 2D, it's not shown
Ultimateunicorn: what
if we want thing named "terraformer" This isnt Roblox game named Planet Exploration 2
at tallest mountain
Theres no electricity! we need solar panel!
we have gotten FP once more