if rbmks dont explode. explain chernobyl.
(-Updated portal inlet for primary loop)
Triston17879: That would exacerbate the problem as far as I can tell because of how PRTI/PRTO works- all would go to the leftmost channel. I might modify the output water to be more even though.
not really how RBMK was built tho
You can make the rods out of ttan too, +1
The water distribution is uneven, try setting them all to the same channel.
Very realistic rbmk. It exploded. Lives up to its name "Really Badly Made Kettle". (turns out that when you give operators an oppressive work enviornment, little training, and direct orders to do what they know is wrong, RBMKs can, in fact, explode)
Also, GOLD absorbs ~5% of NEUT that passes through each particle of it. (assume 3% due to NEUT speed)
Nice usage of control rods though! :)