19 / 1
14th January
14th January
Triggers after 1.51175960779E+14197 days if run @ 60 fps. Uses BHOL generation inside of EHOLE. 1501 stne in 1 pixel of EHOLE makes a BHOL, which is deleted, adding back 1 stne and sending another onwards (so 1500 stne per module to pulse). Can be longer
long crazy timer


  • NUKE11
    14th January
    dang neat i made one almost as long
  • jm211
    14th January
    (whats fun about this is the particle limit)
  • Slugcat_
    14th January
    POV: You waited that long to realise The save was paused
  • Jerehmia
    14th January
    Oh, my calculations are way off, I should be adding, not multiplying. That will teach me to post when I have a fever (from the flu). Sorry.
  • Jerehmia
    14th January
    I built a configurable delay a while ago that is activated by a BRAY containing the number of frames it should count down from before firing. The highest number it can count down from is 536,870,911 which is 103.56 days at 60 fps. If you let that delay activate another one at maximum that would fire after 536,870,911 * 103.56 days = about 152,224,490 years. Now if you let that one activate a third one that would fire after 536,870,911 * 152,224,490 years, etc. Interested in the circuit?
  • Oyne31
    14th January
    For whatever reason, these are interesting. +1