2205 / 141
7th May 2011
24th Sep 2011
builds a volcano hopefully
electronics realistic interactive volcano chickenwings bagels lebron sadness nocity4u basketball


  • natter7869
    31st Mar 2013
    can u make a super small one?
  • Turtlebot
    31st Mar 2013
    What does dormant do?
  • codeman
    27th Mar 2013
    wow how did u do dat
  • bluemushroom
    27th Mar 2013
    this is awesome!!
  • Amphealy
    25th Mar 2013
    @Sillybudz, Why would you want to copy it anyway. This save is old, very messy and could easily be made better. If you want to copy and modify, I don't give a shit about the credit. Just don't expect to farm votes with a direct copy. It's just pointless to do that and it'll probably get unpublished anyway as someone is likely to report it. If you want to modify then go ahead I don't even give a shit about credit. However, people will notice as this save is on third or forth page or where ever and they'll call you out on it with negative comments, probably down voting in the process. Maybe you could try make a new one that's more up to date with newer elements and additions like Ambient Heating. This is from mid 2011 TPT has seen a shitload of new additions since then. If it turns out well you will get a ton more votes that you'd ever get from a copy or even a modded copy.
  • xetalim
    20th Mar 2013
    thats normal Sillybudz, if you copy you have to put on your save:CREDIT TO AMPHEALY FOR VULCANO MAKER
  • Sillybudz
    16th Mar 2013
    it says free to copy then it says "with credit" WTF
  • Nounoufi
    16th Mar 2013
    Sorry, it is "the save the".
  • Nounoufi
    16th Mar 2013
    It is the savethe greatest. I AM HAVING FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BOOM-boy
    10th Mar 2013