32 / 1
16th May 2011
15th Apr 2012
-[NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS TILL FINISHED WITH OTHERS]- Leave requests in comments. Please do not copy without my consent. Vote ups are appreciated. If you like them please comment. If you don't like them look at the logo 3rd left on bottom.
oneofthebest woohoo jammyapproved pibbsplayspt logo logos maker elemant56


  • PibbsPlaysPT
    2nd Jul 2013
    Logo with a Diamond Sword behind it please.
  • Boomerboy
    7th Mar 2013
    can you please make my username and paint it red or yellow
  • UndeadKirby99
    25th Dec 2012
    can you make one with kirby but he has glowing eyes and possibly sharpened teeth?
  • thadarkassassin
    9th Nov 2012
    can you make me a confederat soilder??
  • vusicia
    31st Oct 2012
    *beg...i meant to say i beg you not i be you..i BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +++++++++++++++++++111111111
  • vusicia
    31st Oct 2012
    hey............im just asking.....please i beg you!!!!! please make me the best logo you possibly can like a fancy caligraphy v or something just please!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i really need a logo!!!!!!!!!1 i be you!!!! your logos are PROFESSIONAL!!!!!!! please make me a logo PPPPPLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAASSSEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i beg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    6th Oct 2012
    can u plllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee make me one that's like explosive or something
  • chewbacaa
    31st May 2012
    Want to join logos international will take some and do scetch to speed up production
  • xLuchx
    16th May 2012
    @ProSniper can you face the fact that you aren't a real sniper. You're just some loser begging for logos on tpt.
  • elemant56
    15th Apr 2012
    Hey guys, I might be starting up TPT again. So... I might start taking up requests, let me get into my TPT groove again and I'll tell you when I start making logos again.