32 / 1
16th May 2011
15th Apr 2012
-[NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS TILL FINISHED WITH OTHERS]- Leave requests in comments. Please do not copy without my consent. Vote ups are appreciated. If you like them please comment. If you don't like them look at the logo 3rd left on bottom.
oneofthebest woohoo jammyapproved pibbsplayspt logo logos maker elemant56


  • the_nathan
    10th Mar 2012
    i have voted u up so can i copy 1 logo?
  • stoneyDOG01
    3rd Mar 2012
    can you make me one that has my name in it with electricity running through it???????????? PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ProSniper
    21st Dec 2011
    can u make me a logo with a stick man sniper sniping a stick man's head off with my name underneath
  • grim
    19th Nov 2011
    pls make me a logo
  • GodsFart123
    12th Nov 2011
    can you make me one ot of LCRY and HSWC
  • mr-muffinbottom
    11th Oct 2011
    can you make me one i will pay one vote
  • Jammy45
    4th Sep 2011
    dude i like the hockey sticks they are so awesome and i made the logo i asked you to tweak i tweaked it a little more i put the dmnd candian flag and made it lcry and yeah you should get it by now lol
  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    I can take the hockey sticks away if you want. Its no problem, just a little touch up xP
  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    There we go. I outlined the hocket sticks with black. It makes all pixel art look smoother and more proffesional.
  • Jammy45
    4th Sep 2011
    ahahahaha lol i actually dont like hockey but it does make my logo look epicer