32 / 1
16th May 2011
15th Apr 2012
-[NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS TILL FINISHED WITH OTHERS]- Leave requests in comments. Please do not copy without my consent. Vote ups are appreciated. If you like them please comment. If you don't like them look at the logo 3rd left on bottom.
oneofthebest woohoo jammyapproved pibbsplayspt logo logos maker elemant56


  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    Ok finished it! Hope you like what I added :P Ya I know, I stereotype. I think it just adds character and effect.
  • Jammy45
    4th Sep 2011
    look at the tags
  • Jammy45
    4th Sep 2011
    haha sweet im not even gonna pick ill just use both because these are good lol thanks!
  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    OH wait! Forgot one important part to the maple leaf logo. Give me 5 minutes.
  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    I like the one with maple leaf! :D But that is just me.
  • Jammy45
    4th Sep 2011
    lol it ok they all look great
  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    Ok I didn't see that comment sorry. I made one like CaptainT's and I made another one like the one you wanted. I am still tweaking the one you requested. And the other is on my other laptop.
  • Jammy45
    4th Sep 2011
    ok elemant ima show you an example look or my save called for elemant56 ok
  • heavy-duty
    4th Sep 2011
    Yeah it okay :) I full of school work too i am put into the gifted class and they give more work.... (to teachers) WHY
  • elemant56
    4th Sep 2011
    @heavy-duty Sorry I was taking a break from TPT. I will try to finish ASAP. My hands are full with school and all right now. Sorry.