32 / 1
16th May 2011
15th Apr 2012
-[NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS TILL FINISHED WITH OTHERS]- Leave requests in comments. Please do not copy without my consent. Vote ups are appreciated. If you like them please comment. If you don't like them look at the logo 3rd left on bottom.
oneofthebest woohoo jammyapproved pibbsplayspt logo logos maker elemant56


  • Lucky
    11th Jul 2011
    can i get one? suprise me...
  • elemant56
    11th Jul 2011
    Nah Its fine :D I didn't like it either all that much. It was just quick and easy :P xD
  • DiamondIce
    11th Jul 2011
    sorry but i don't relly like it maybe an iceberg with my name in it if you don want to do it i really don't mind
  • elemant56
    11th Jul 2011
    It should be now.
  • DiamondIce
    11th Jul 2011
    um its not there
  • elemant56
    11th Jul 2011
    Yeh... I've been thinking about getting another... anyway, I finished your logo btw. Tell me if you want a different one. That one was off the top of my mind. It won't hurt mah feelings xP xD
  • DiamondIce
    11th Jul 2011
    thanks and idk if everyone sees heaps of people have two account i have three
  • elemant56
    11th Jul 2011
    xD Why post it for the whole world to see? just PM me :P This might get on the front page so yaa... :P lol ok
  • DiamondIce
    11th Jul 2011
    Can i have one ice themed :) (im the-creator) SSHH
  • elemant56
    11th Jul 2011
    Finished your's CaptainT! :D I Love it. I'm thinking of making one like it for myself actually xD. I worked hard on it. So ya hope you like! :)