538 / 90
18th May 2011
4th Jun 2011
Bring your bombs! And test them today on this Bomb tester made out out of Glass and Quartz Will be making Quartz levels soon
level8 beat easylevel8 easy itwith brokelittleof8 thdrandbcln 7isimpossible sing


  • PhoenixFies
    10th Oct 2014
    What do you mean by bomb? Like wasting time to build a fancy bomb? All I did was make a destruction bomb.
  • Buntd
    3rd Oct 2014
    I beat it with a single pixel of warp... Does that count or is it considered cheating?
  • aquots
    2nd Oct 2014
    i used my gemf dst bomb
  • Noob-N-Proud
    2nd Oct 2014
    Just beat it with my newest bomb. I made it at this level which is why There is a sign on the bomb. Here is the ID: 1639347
  • jm211
    29th Sep 2014
    Hey, we are telling how we beat it, quickly, using elements that are new, against a THREE YEAR OLD WALL. Ok well i used cray, metl and sprk, one pixel of each, and i penetrated it in one frame, HAPPY there i used new elements like u did, and mine was fastest, so see, I CHEATED, SO DID YOU
  • jm211
    29th Sep 2014
    Hey everyone, try to beat it while not using: DMG Prot Dest Bomb sing antimater virus cray dray emp dtec Erase (for the smart ass peeps) Therm, thunder lightning acid caus lava heat cool c5and4 fireworks neuclear stuff wifi diamond OR ANYTHING ELSE ADDED IN LAST THREE YEARS, IF U CAN DO IT THEN, THEN YOU CAN BRAG, BUT ANY1 CAN USE A BOMB THATS FROM STUFF NEWER THAN THE WALL ITS ATTACKING
  • CyberShinyNinja
    28th Sep 2014
    I second MoffD's statement. I have a single-use proton cannon that barely even notices this wall, but keep in mind that SubWolf7 could not have known about what the next TWO AND A HALF YEARS would bring in terms of new, weaponizable elements. +1
  • Bunshort
    28th Sep 2014
    i got to bottom level with my famed proton bomb
  • War-child
    27th Sep 2014
    Warp bomb all the way!!!
  • MoffD
    17th Sep 2014
    To all the people who say "ZOMG TOO EASY!!!!1" I remember when this FIRST came out, BEFORE a lot of powerful elements were added (DEST, newtonian gravity explosives, LIGH, VIRS etc...) and it was AMAZING then. Yes it's easy now but it is still good... :|