A WWII German "Schwerer Gustav" Rail Gun. The two built,Gustav and Dora, fired 800mm guns that shot shells weighing seven tonnes up to 23 miles. Both were destroyed before the wars end.
7 people should be ran over with this....
you think like me you are awesome
Thanks and good idea. My tank homepage is running out of space.
your stuff is really cool, you should make saves with groups of vehicles of certain nation or something like that. ;)
wow well done mate
Correction: This is a railway gun, not a railgun. And the lack of air in space would prevent heat escaping from the rails anyway, so it's not like it'd be any better, besides the lack of friction to slow it.
.... @DcBloodHound Prety Damn Close to absalute 0 and it loses velosity in the atmosphere.... no air in space so no friction.
actually a test was performed to see if a rail-gun can shoot to the moon.unfortunately the shell lost velocity after exiting the earth's atmosphere.a new test hasn't been performed because of how expensive it is to replace the rail on the rail-gun.
BTW i voted up.
i wonder if it would be possible to build a rail-gun in space so the the rail doesn't overheat.whats the temp in space anyway?
@edwahjr: If we could, don't you think space travel might be a bit...you know EASIER?
the current rail gun design could if we wanted shoot a shell to the goddamn moon dont say we cant cuz we can