rate up if you want these new elements!!!
TLIF: Game of Life menu. Follows the rule B3/S2-i34q. See http://www.conwaylife.com/wiki/Tlife.
TNT is already in the GAME
POST this to FORUM dude! you are BREAKING Rules!
you're kinda breaking the rules
Some of these are just new elements for the sake of new elements. What would coffee do? What use would it have? None.
foil : Rusts with water and slowly grows with salt
TNT Has added but my suggestion missle:MSLE you can move any direction like fan direction you can set the explosion by more hotter temp and 2 is Tornado:TRND you can move tornado by like fan you can set fuel by adding SMKE
death: kills LIFE and STKM/STK2
we already have tnt
definatly want vodka and plastic!